About us

Who we are at Habitat For Lake Shore Communities!

We are a team of compassionate individuals committed to bringing transformation to the people of kalangala

Our focus on the health care stems from the challenges faced by the people of kalangala when they fall ill. Often they must endure days of  waiting for medicine to be delivered, and even then, immediate attention is not guaranteed. This results in prolonged suffering for those in need of urgent medical care.

Additionally, we prioritize humanity.We believe that everyone deserves a decent place to call home, yet many in our community struggle to afford adequate housing. Recognizing the importance of safe and stable living environments for human well-being, we strive to improve the standards of living for all.


Our approach

We are dedicated to addressing the needs of medically, financially,socially, and economically neglected members of the Lakeshore community. We ensure that the sick receive the necessary medical attention, the hungry are fed, and the homeless find shelter.

Our Mission

To elevate the living standards of individuals residing along the Lake shores. This entails facilitating the return of children to school, engaging youths in meaningful skill-building activities, and establishing stable home structures.

Our Vision

To transform the living standards of people living at Lake shores

Our Story

In 2023, Uganda experienced torrential rainfall, wreaking havoc on communities residing around water bodies, particularly Lake Victoria, due to rising water levels. The aftermath left many individuals affected; expectant mothers struggled to access maternal healthcare, fishermen were unable to continue their livelihoods due to adverse weather conditions, learners faced obstacles in attending school due to fears of drowning, and homes were abandoned due to the threat of wild animals. Moreover, diseases like malaria and HIV surged due to insufficient medical supplies, limited medical knowledge, and poor transportation for doctors.
Kenneth, who grew up amidst these challenges, experienced firsthand the struggle and hardship. Despite his efforts, little has changed since then, prompting him to advocate for the voiceless. Together, we can extend a helping hand by uplifting fatherless children, enhancing health centers for expectant mothers, providing education for orphaned children, and securing the livelihoods of our community members. These individuals deserve a chance, and it's up to us to offer it to them.

Our Goal

Habitat for Lake Shore communities aims to enhance the economic, physical, social, and emotional well-being of individuals residing along the lake shores in Kalangala district.

Our Team

Kenneth Balidawa

Founder /Board member

Narelle link

Board member

Our Staff

Ronnie Ssempijja

Director supplies

Mary Katushabe

Head of Girl Child department